台灣網路維運社群 (TWNOG) 是專門為了在台灣有網路節點或對台灣網路發展有興趣的網路工程人員、網路架構人員、網路維運人員及網路相關專家人員成立的組織。透過台灣網路維運社群,我們希望持續改善網路傳輸科技、最佳實作、基礎設施及網路環境以促使台灣網路環境及網路相關產業能日新月異且蓬勃發展。
台灣網路維運社群是採用會員制的非營利性組織, 我們會透過每年舉辦兩次的論壇活動、會員電子郵件名單、臉書社團網頁及網站等活動來促進網路技術及維運面的知識及資訊交流,我們也希望能匯集各方利害關係人以吸引各方意見充分交流,聚焦網路維運者重視或有興趣的議題並促進相關技術引進、探討、創新及實務上的交流。
The Taiwan Network Operators Group (TWNOG), is the professional Group for Internet Engineers, Network Architects, Network Operators or Network Professionals who have network presence or network interests in Taiwan. Through TWNOG, we want to continuous improvement of the data transmission technologies, practices, facilities, and environment that make the Taiwan Internet environment and Internet-related industry works better every day.
TWNOG is a membership non-profit organization and we run semi-annual events, email member list, Facebook page, and website, etc, to exchange technical and operational knowledge and information. Through gathering multi-stakeholders, TWNOG encourages dialogues and communications. With the focus on topics that are important and of interest to network operators, TWNOG also facilitates adoption, research, and innovation on new technology and sharing of best practice.