第五屆台灣網路維運論壇 TWNOG 5.0

(English is below)


TWNOG (Taiwan Network Operators’ Group) 是網路營運商或研究者交流網際網路營運技術或資訊的平台。我們利用 TWNOG 平台推動台灣網際網路發展及提升基礎設施品質。 網際網路為一個環環相扣,開放與互連的環境,隨著目前網際網路蓬勃發展與網路所衍生之相關問題日益複雜,如何凝聚網路社群力量,將有助於提升網際網路之發展。 TWNOG 促進國內優質網路技術提昇,培育優質網路相關專業技術人才,厚植優質網路發展能量。 TWNOG 建立網路社群維運技術交流討論、累積國內網路維運人員之技術能量、強化網路維運人員橫向溝通連繫的管道,並與國際其他 NOG 建立合作關係。

TWNOG 5 的精彩特色

!!!千呼萬喚始出來!!! 萬眾矚目的第五屆台灣網路維運論壇已經開放報名,本次論壇與以往的活動有五大不同的亮點 :

強棒首映:歷次 TWNOG 都邀請十分精采的講者來進行分享網路相關最新趨勢與技術,本屆也將邀請最新網路議題講者分享,並且預定演講場場精彩,走過路過不能錯過!

TWNOG 5 議程資訊已公告,詳情可參考這邊:

早起的鳥兒有蟲吃:為了慶祝疫情後重新舉辦,我們特別開放 2/1 前早鳥優惠票期,票價直接下殺五折優惠,為了愛台灣及慶祝疫情後重新舉辦,TWNOG 不惜重本吸收票價差額,不趕快搶票實在對不起自己!

站上世界的舞台:本屆議程將特別保留時段,供大家介紹本身的網路 (AS、流量、型態及聯絡窗口等等),增進彼此認識有利於促進商機,障礙處理及互聯互通。
* 請在 2024/04/21 前將一頁簡報檔寄到 paper@twnog.net
* 範本請參考 https://twnog.net/file/Peering-Personals-sample-at-TWNOG-5.pptx

手牽手一起去 TWNOG 交友找商機:本屆將建立媒合平台,將願意提供姓名/ 公司名稱及emai的與會者資料公開於活動官網,與會者可以互相聯絡洽談商機,也可安排會議於 4/26 現場提供多張會議桌全天候開放給大家面對面交流。

攤位數量破紀錄:本屆 TWNOG 已經確認多組國內外知名廠商攤位,並且許多是在台灣首度參展,要找網路相關服務設備及解決方案,就在 TWNOG!!!

論壇將在官網提供表格,並列出與會者姓名、公司 / 組織名稱及有興趣的服務 / 本身提供的服務。該資料將在活動結束後刪除,報名者可自行選擇是否顯示相關資料以方便雙方預約面談。


  • 活動網頁:https://twnog.net/twnog5/
  • 演講投稿:https://twnog.net/5paper/
  • 我要贊助:https://twnog.net/5sponsorship/
  • 活動議程:https://twnog.net/5agenda/
  • 活動日期:2024 年 04 月 26 日(週五)
  • 活動場地:臺大醫院國際會議中心 NTUH International Convention Center
    100 台北市中正區徐州路 2 號
  • 活動熱烈!!!! 場地擴大升級!!! 演講場地: 301演講廳.  展覽區: 3樓 . 洽談室 403
    註: 洽談室於9:00-17:00 開放,大家有需要與老朋友洽談可以使用此 洽談室.  洽談室於12:30-13:30 保留給 講者、贊助商用餐使用.

  • 本活動將提供午餐。


  • 學生或 IG Camp:在報到時持有學生證即可。若無法提供學生證,請提供在學證明以利證明。
  • 贊助票:贊助商確認贊助後,將會收到 TWNOG 贊助小組邀請碼的郵件。若貴單位沒有收到,請來信 sponsorship@twnog.net 與我們聯絡。



指導單位 - 數位發展部

贊助單位 - 白金級贊助商 Platinum





ISOC (Sustainable Technical Communities Funding Program)


贊助單位 - 黃金級贊助商 Gold





Open DC


贊助單位 - 銀級贊助商 Silver






特別感謝 - 工作坊場地贊助




台灣國際網路學會(ISOC Taipei)



(The following is English)



TWNOG (Taiwan Network Operators' Group) is a platform for exchanging internet operation technologies and information among network operators and researchers. It aims to promote Taiwan's internet development and improve infrastructure quality. By fostering community strength, TWNOG enhances network technology, cultivates technical expertise, and establishes connections with other international Network Operators' Groups.

What's TWNOG 5?

The eagerly awaited 5th Taiwan Network Operations Group (TWNOG) Forum is now open for registration. This forum has five major highlights that set it apart from previous events:

Wonderful agenda: The TWNOG events have invited exceptional speakers to share the latest trends and technologies related to the internet. This year, we will also invite speakers to share the latest internet topics. The scheduled speeches are expected to be outstanding, and not to be missed by anyone passing by!

Early Bird Ticket: To celebrate the resumption of the event post-pandemic, we are offering an early bird discount until February 1st, slashing ticket prices by 50%. To show our love for Taiwan and celebrate post-pandemic, TWNOG is absorbing the difference in ticket prices. Hurry and grab your tickets - don't miss out!

Peering Persons Time: This edition's agenda will specially reserve a time slot for participants to introduce their networks (AS, traffic, types, contact windows, etc.), enhancing mutual understanding, which is beneficial for promoting business opportunities, barrier handling, and interconnectivity.
* Please send a one-page presentation file to paper@twnog.net by April 21, 2024.
* For a template, please refer to https://twnog.net/file/Peering-Personals-sample-at-TWNOG-5.pptx.

Social in TWNOG for Networking and Business Opportunities: This edition will establish a matchmaking platform, making public the information of participants willing to share their names/companies and email on the official event website. Participants can contact each other for business opportunities and arrange meetings on April 26th, with several tables available all day for face-to-face interactions.

Record-breaking Number of Booths: This edition of TWNOG has confirmed a record number of booths from well-known domestic and international companies, many of which are exhibiting in Taiwan for the first time. For networking-related services, equipment, and solutions, look no further than TWNOG!!!

We will provide a table on the official website, listing the names, companies/organizations, and interested/provided services of the attendees. This information will be deleted after the event, and registrants can choose whether to display their information for facilitating meeting appointments.

Event Information

  • Event Website: https://twnog.net/twnog5/
  • Call for Papers: https://twnog.net/5paper/
  • Sponsorship: https://twnog.net/5sponsorship/
  • Agenda: https://twnog.net/5agenda/
  • Event Date: April 26, 2024 (Fri.)
  • Venue: NTUH International Convention Center 臺大醫院國際會議中心
    No. 2, Xuzhou Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100

Special Ticket Information

  • Student or IG Camp: Present a student ID at registration. If unable to provide a student ID, please provide proof of enrollment.
  • Sponsor Ticket: After confirming sponsorship, you will receive an invitation code from the TWNOG sponsorship team via email. If your organization has not received it, please contact us at sponsorship@twnog.net.
臺大醫院國際會議中心 402 / 100 台北市中正區徐州路 2 號


票種 販售時間 售價
早鳥票 Early Bird

2024/01/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/02/01 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$250
一般票 General ticket

2024/02/02 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/24 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$500
老朋友方案 (Old Friend Ticket)

2024/02/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/24 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$300
學生 Student/ IG Camp

2024/01/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/24 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$100
贊助票 (Sponsor Ticket)

2024/01/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/24 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
邀請票 (Invitation Ticket)

2024/01/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/24 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費